Account deletion agreement

You should carefully read the "Game Account Deletion Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") before clicking "agree" in the application deletion process. After the game account of this game is deleted, your personal information under the game account will be deleted or Data anonymization, and the related products and services previously associated with the game account will no longer be associated, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations or this agreement. Once the game account is deleted, it cannot be restored. Please operate with caution.

To ensure the smooth completion of deletion, please do not use this account to log in to this game during the agreed account deletion application processing period. Otherwise, it will be deemed that you have revoked the deletion of this account.

If you have any questions about this agreement, you can contact our customer service through the customer service section.

1.Before you apply to/continue to apply to delete a game account with us, in order to ensure the security and related rights of your account, you need to first check and ensure that the game account you apply to delete meets the following conditions, including but not limited to:

(1)This game account is legally owned and logged in by you, and complies with the provisions of the user agreement and relevant instructions regarding the game account;

(2)The deletion condition is that the account is in a secure state: the account is in normal use and has not been in a period of violation processing (referring to the account being banned or other measures taken due to violating the game's relevant agreements and rules), and there is no risk of theft or being banned;

(3)The relevant game revenue in this game account has been settled or properly handled, including but not limited to recharge balance, game props, membership benefits, and other game revenue. Please handle your game revenue properly. If it is not processed during deletion, it will be deemed that you voluntarily give up the game revenue;

(4)There are no unfinished orders for this game account, including but not limited to orders related to game virtual props, peripheral products, etc. generated based on this game account;

(5)The game account has no disputes, including complaints and reports, complaints and reports, investigations by national authorities, arbitration, litigation, and other disputes;

(6) Other conditions officially announced by this game.

You can first try to handle the above issues yourself. If you are unable to handle them or have any doubts during the processing, you can contact customer service for assistance.

2.You should ensure that you have the right to decide on the deletion of the account and do not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of any third party. If any disputes arise as a result, you will be responsible for them on your own.

3.You understand and agree that after the account is deleted, we are unable to assist you in restoring the aforementioned services. Please backup the account information and data you wish to keep before applying for deletion.

4.After deleting the account, the bound email or third-party account will be unbound.

5.We will complete the verification and processing of your deletion application within 15 days from the date of your application. Please note that if you log in during the agreed account deletion application processing period, the deletion process can be interrupted. Once deleted, your account will return to normal use. If you apply for deletion again, the time required for deletion will be recalculated from the time of application for deletion.

6.After deleting the account, you will no longer be able to use it and will not be able to retrieve any content or information related to your account, including but not limited to:

(1)You will no longer be able to log in using this account;

(2)Your account's personal information and historical information (including nicknames, avatars, message records, etc.) will not be retrieved;

(3)You understand and agree that after deleting your account, the recharge balance, game props, gift vouchers, and other virtual assets you have obtained will be deemed as voluntary and voluntary abandonment by you, and you cannot continue to use them. Any disputes arising from this will be handled by you, and we will not assume any responsibility.

(4)All content, information and records of all products of Yuefu Game registered with this account will be deleted or Data anonymization, and cannot be recovered.

7.During the account deletion period, if your account is complained about by others, investigated by national authorities, or in litigation or arbitration proceedings, we have the right to terminate your account deletion program on our own without obtaining your consent.

8.Please note that deleting your account does not exempt or reduce the account behavior and related responsibilities prior to the deletion of this account